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unforgettable experiences

We offer customized wine tastings at a value that is within your budget and will make you proud as a peacock to share the Sommel Y'all experience with your friends and colleagues.  Nance is tickled pink to consult with you to implement whatever suits your fancy!

Nance Donaldson will personally work with you to design a wine tasting program to fit your style, your budget and your guest experience. Together y'all decide the focal point of the event -- networking or education.


Option!  Take advantage of Nance's knowledge of wine-friendly venues in Atlanta that offer private rooms.  


 For the Wine  Connoisseur or Collector

Our most exclusive line of wines for your guests.  Sample the best wines while focused on the theme of your choice.


Per bottle price ranges from $50-$100 each.


For the Discerning Wine Palette

Our signature event, for an affordable event that features mid-priced bottles of wine to enjoy with a custom theme.


Per bottle price ranges from

$30-$50 each.


 For the Novice Wine Drinker

Our most budget conscious option.  This tier features wine which is purchased from a lower price point.


Per bottle price ranges from

$20-$30 each.

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