Wine Seminars | Client Appreciation
The wine seminar combines a wine tasting with your latest professional announcement, update or information. Designed to keep your clients or potential customers engaged, it lasts approximately 90 minutes and allows the host to speak with their guests for about 10 to 15 minutes between serving the whites and red wines. Nance will be available to mingle and answer the guest’s wine questions after the event.
Wine Networking Reception
This event weaves an element of fun, education and networking among small groups. It includes 20 to 30 minutes of wine education mixed with lots of networking time for guests. Special “winecentric” ice breaking activities enable everyone to participate in the fun.
Conference Break-Out Session
End the day with a refreshing wine tasting that incorporates humor and education. Nance will create a session that includes highlights of your conference paired with wine varietals and styles. A great way to revive conference attendees after a long day of sessions. Approximately 60 minutes.
Private Corporate Tasting
Turn your conference room, board room or break room into a wine tasting venue. Or book a private room at a local wine shop, restaurant or hotel. Nance will provide a learning experience that is tailored for your group. Choose from several options like Building Business Relationships with Wine, How to Win Clients with Wine or Navigating Restaurant Wine Lists.